Teacher 2020-2021 Tired!

Hey teachers! Does this look like any of you at any point this year? Looking half exhausted and half zombielike? 😳 No, I did not turn to alcohol every day, if you are wondering by the bottle sitting next to me. I'm more of a coffee girl, even when I want to relax. Is that completely off the wall? I drink coffee to relax? What can I say? I'm an odd duck. Anyhow, let me refocus on my topic of being a truly tired teacher this year. In all the years that I have been teaching, this is the first year that I have literally come home and looked pretty similar to a walking zombie. No joking my peeps. I think my husband can testify to my craziness. Hey, at least he is still alive. He survived my zombie year and lives to tell the tale of the truly tired, often zombie like, teacher wife. LOL! On a serious note, I took naps this year! Never have I been a napper and let me tell you, I had many naps. I even napped so hard one day and woke up at 7:40 pm thinking I w...